I'm typing this blog post with undefined feelings because it has been quite turbulent in the last months. When I scratched my hair in February and completely removed all faulty parts with a smile on my face, my hair was ideal to maintain. Glowing, healthy, full of strength and all but dry. I even dyed it in brighter blue, silver, and iron it a lot, and tested new hair sprays, but it remained intact.
I recently got this set to be tested , just a couple of days after I went looking for a sale. I was so glad because I had used products for a long time to "kill" the yellow hair in a blonde hair and give it a wonderful silvery look, but this set was not a miracle. I do not say it does not do its job but is not complete. I will write details below...
Šampon dolazi u bijeloj bočici sa pumpicom za doziranje. Na bočici je naljepnica sa svim detaljnima koje trebamo znati i u njoj je 250ml šampona tamno ljubičaste boje koji će na prvu napraviti popriličan haos u kadi/tuš kabini, pa ga je zanimljivo koristiti - boja je odlična.
Regenerator je u plastičnoj bijeloj tubi, proizvod je predivne lila boje i miriše fino. A maska je dosta gušća od regeneratora i iste je boje, dolazi u bijeloj kutiji. U oba pakovanja je po 200ml proizvoda.
Shampoo comes in a white bottle with a dosing pump. On the bottle is a sticker with all the details we need to know and in it is 250ml of dark purple shampoo that will first make a pretty chaos in the tub / shower, so it's interesting to use it - the color is great.
The conditioner is in a plastic white tube, the product is purple and smells fine. And the mask is a bit different than the conditioner but it is the same color, also comes in a white box. In both packs is a 200ml of product.
- Ova kombinacija kompletno uklanja žutilo na dijelovima moje kose na kojima je kritično, a vrhove koji su sivkasti - uljepšava. Ispunjava svoju svrhu na tom parametru. Jedino što zaista morate koristiti kontinuirano, jer sam ja samo jednom preskočila korištenje i kosu oprala standardnim šamponom i odmah su se pojavile žute zone na kosi.
- Šampon ne ispunjava svrhu šampona što meni iskreno smeta. Jer ono, ako je već šampon - daj da djeluje.
(da se neko ne bi uhvatio za detalj, meni je kosa strašno masna pa je moram prati svaka 2 dana da ne bih izgledala k'o raščupani beskućnik, pardon maj frenč) Zaključak je da ovaj šampon dolazi tek nakon što kosu operete normalnim šamponom koji djeluje.
- Regenerator mi nekako "zamrsi" kosu dok je maska uslovno rečeno omekša. Kad kažem uslovno rečeno, mislim na činjenicu da imam problem sa raščešljavanjem kose poslije.
- This combination completely removes the yellow on the parts of my hair that are critical, and the ends of hair that are greyish - makes them more beautiful. Fulfills its purpose on that parameter. The only thing you really need to use is continuous, because I just skip one use and washed my hair with a standard shampoo, and yellow parts appeared immediately.
- The shampoo does not fulfill the purpose of the shampoo which I really don't like. Because if it's already a shampoo - let it work.
(that someone would not catch the detail, my hair gets greasy and I have to wash it every 2 days so I would not look like a dirty homeless person, pardon my french) The conclusion is that this shampoo works only after the hair is washed with a normal shampoo .
- The conditioner somehow made my hair tangle but the mask conditionelly softened it. When I say conditionally, I mean the fact that I had a problem with brushing my hair afterwards.
Na prvo korištenje sam mislila da kosa treba da se "prilagodi" , međutim, kako je vrijeme prolazilo, a ja ostala ustrajna da testiram do kraja, kosa mi se poprilično oštetila. Nisam iskreno sigurna zašto, ali me to poprilično razočaralo i nemam želju da ove proizvode ponovno koristim.
Da naglasim, moja kosa je pola prirodna, pola farbana, ali nije bila oštećena u toj mjeri da bi je ovaj šampon samo dokrajčio. Nego je zaista postala oštećena. Ovaj post nije apsolutni hejt, jer kako sam navela, ovaj set proizvoda zaista radi posao koji piše na pakovanju, ali smatram da nije baš nešto najzdravije za moju kosu.
For the first use I thought hair should be "adjusted", however, as time passed, and I remained persistent to test it to the end, my hair was quite damaged. I'm not honestly sure why, but I was pretty disappointed and I do not have the desire to use these products again.
To emphasize, my hair is half natural, half dyed, but it was not damaged to the extent that this shampoo would only end it. But it really has become damaged. This post is not absolute hell, because as I said, this set of products really does work what it says on packaging, but I think it's not exactly the healthiest for my hair.
Ovu recenziju tipkam apsolutno iskreno - po svom utisku nakon testiranja od mjesec dana. Obzirom da sam naglasila da je moja kosa farbana, možda bi bilo dobro da pročitate recenziju djevojke sa prirodnom plavom kosom - čisto da bi mogle nakon kompletne analize da zaključite da li su ovi proizvodi za vas. Čitajte OVDJE.
I wrote this review absolutely honestly - by my impression after a month's testing. Given that I have emphasized that my hair is dyed, it might be good to read a review of a girl with natural blonde hair - purely to be able to complete a thorough analysis to determine if these products are for you. Read HERE.
Da li ste već imale priliku probati ove proizvode? Vaš utisak?
Have you already had the chance to try these products? Your impression?
Lijep pozdrav,
Nice regards,
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