
Mala crna haljina je neizostavan komad u ormaru. Ja ih imam 5. Sa različitim detaljima i za različito doba godine. Još jedna mi je stigla prošle sedmice, tik pred promociju Avon Eve parfema. Baš sam bila sretna zbog toga i dobila sam mnogo komplimenata. Haljina je predivna.

Little black dress is something you have to own. I have 5 of these dresses and all of them have different lovely details. It also depends which season are for. Another little black dress got delivered to me few days before Avon event. I was so happy and I got lots of compliments. This dress is lovely.


Nadam se da vam se sviđa haljina, meni da!

I hope you like this dress, I know I do!