
Avon: Eve Duet

Avon Eve Duet parfemi su opisani kao parfemi za ženu koja zna šta želi. Pored činjenice da ovaj parfem izgleda elegantno i ima zanimljivo pakovanje, moram naglasiti da je divna kombinacija. Dva parfema u jednom pakovanju, koje i sama koristim u zavisnosti od raspoloženja i isplaniranog dana.

Avon Eve Duet perfumes are described as ones for women who knows what she wants. Besides the fact that this perfume looks elegant, it is amazing combination - two perfumes in one package. Which one I use pretty much depends of my mood and how my day is planned. 


Svjetlucav. Cvjetan. Voćni.
Zabavna. Jednostavna. Bezbrižna.

Top note: Iskričava i svjetlucava kombinacija sočne klementine i sjajnog cvijeta jabuke. Sa daškom mirisa nježnog cvijeta crne ribizle koji daje očaravajuću privlačnost.
Srednje note: U srcu mirisa je eterični rozi lopoč, koji daje dozu uzvišenosti i nježnosti. Pomiješan sa Absolute jasminom najbolje kvalitete i božurom koji odiše esencijom cvjetne ljepote.
Bazne note: Toplina zlatnog jantara daje dozu elegancije. Svijetlo drvo pokriveno velom mošusa odaje nevjerovatnu privlačnost.


Očaravajuća. Zavodljiva. Neodoljiva.
Senzualan. Drvenast. Cvjetan.

Top note: Sočni bergamot i divlja ljubičasta šljiva, sa dodatkom pikantnog rozog bibera daje neočekivan akcent provokativne misterije.
Srednje note: Senzualni egzotični bijeli noćni lopoč poziva na zavođenje. Okružen privlačnim buketom noćnog jasmina i crvene ruže, srce mirisa odiše tajnovitom strašću.
Bazne note: Kako se miris razvija, do izražaja dolazi mošus praline koji izaziva slatko iskušenje. Hipnotična suština srca pačulija i očaravajućeg drveta kakaa kombinovana je da izazove neodoljivu privlačnost.

Pomiješaj ih za potpuno novi miris, potpuno novu tebe.


Lightning. Flower. Fruity.
Funny. Simple. Carefree.

Top notes: Sparkling and glittering combination of juicy clementine and shiny apple flower. With a fragrance of a gentle blossom of black currant that gives an enchanting appeal.
Middle note: In the heart of the scent there is an ethereal pink lime that gives a dose of excellence and tenderness. Blended with Absolute Jasmine of the best quality and peony that reflects the essence of floral beauty.
Base notes: The golden amber heat gives a touch of elegance. Light wood covered with velvet of musk gives amazing attraction.


Enchanting. Seductive. Irresistible.
Sensual. Woody. Flower.

Top notes: Sogna bergamot and wild purple plum, with the addition of spicy pink pink, gives an unexpected accent to the provocative mystery.
Middle note: A sensual exotic white thistle invites seduction. Surrounded by an attractive bouquet of nightly jasmine and red rose, the heart of the fragrance reminiscent of mysterious passion.
Base notes: As the scent develops, the musk of praline comes to show the sweet taste. The hypnotic essence of the heart of the patchouli and the enchanting cocoa tree is combined to cause irresistible attraction.

 Mix them for a brand new fragrance, a brand new you.

Mart je, onaj divni mjesec novog cvijeća i vremenskih promjena ka onim ljepšim i vedrijim. Volim zimu, zaista, ali ova zima mi je bila nekako teška. I spora. U poslednjih šest mjesseci mi se život okrenuo naglavačke i sa sigurnosti vam mogu reći da je komfort zona nešto najgore u čemu možete zaglaviti. A ja sam dugo bila u istoj.
Sada, nakon što analiziram svaki taj momenat, moram naglasiti da sam zaista prezadovoljna činjenicom da sam se promijenila. Postala sam snažnija, vedrija, slobodnija.
U tom mom putovanju, svakodnevno je bio prisutan ovaj parfem koji je svakom mom danu davao posebno značenje i atmosferu. Da budem iskrena, tek nedavno sam počela koristiti parfeme i nisam sigurna mogu li objasniti zašto nikad prije nisam imala potrebu da ih koristim. Nekako nisam imala ni potrebu da odem i potražim idealan parfem za sebe. A sada ih imam oko deset i presretna sam. Pravo malo blago.
Avon Eve duet je definitivno favorit i našla sam se da posežem za njega svakodnevno za sve prilike.

It's March, that wonderful month of new flowers and weather changes to the ones that are beautiful and cheerful. I love winter, really, but this winter was somehow difficult. And slow. In the last six months my life has turned upside down and I can safely say that the comfort zone is the worst thing you can stumble into. And I've been in it for a long time.
Now, after analyzing each moment, I must emphasize that I am really overwhelmed with the fact that I have changed. I became stronger, cheerful, more free.
In this journey, every day, this perfume was present, which gave a special meaning and atmosphere to every day. To be honest, I just recently started using perfumes and I'm not sure if I can explain why I had never had the need to use them before. Somehow I did not even have a need to go and look for the perfect perfume for myself. And now I have about ten of them and I'm happy. Real little treasure.
Avon Eve Duet is definitely a favorite and I found myself to use it everyday for all occasions.

Radiant je onaj parfem koji je prosto kao vjetar u leđa - i kada sam pred napornim i produktivnim danom, nekako mi da samopouzdanje i emocije mi se setuju na "Okay, let's do this s**t.". Voće i svježina daju tu neku posebnu iskru koja će svakoj ženi dati dozu "pojačanja" da dominira gdje god se pojavi. Jesam, uvijek sam u fazonu - Girl Power jer smo tako svi sretni i zadovoljni.
Senzual je parfem koji nanosim svaki put kada se osjećam "slatko" i kada se spremam na dejt. Ima dana kada svaka žena ima potrebu za mnooogo pažnje i tih dana dobar parfem može učiniti čuda. Ja volim miris jasmina i iz tog razloga uživam svaki put kada nosim ovaj parfem.

Radiant is the perfume that is just like the wind in the back - and when I am in front of a busy and productive day, somehow I feel confident and I gave that "Okay, let's do this s**t." feeling. Fruits scent and freshness make that particular spark which will give each woman a dose of "reinforcement" to dominate wherever she appears. Yes, I am always - Girl Power because all girls are happy and satisfied like that.
Sensual is a perfume that I apply every time I feel "sweet" and when I'm going on a date. There are days when every woman needs a lot of attention and in those days a good perfume can do wonders. I love the scent of jasmine and for this reason I enjoy every time I wear this perfume.

Zanima me, koji je vaš najdraži parfem? I zašto? Da li ste probale ovaj parfem? I da li vam se dopada?
I need to know, which perfume is your favorite and why? Have you tried this one? Do you like it?

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