Moj makeup stolić je jedan divni dio moje sobe koji me tiho moli da nabavim drugi. Uvijek sam imala lude navike, ali nisam ni slutila da ću u jednom momentu mog života brojati ruževe koje imam, a nisam znala da ih imam.
Jedan od njih je Catrice Ombre ruž koji ima miris čokolade. Moj omiljeni.
Collections, collections, collections ...
My makeup table is a wonderful part of my room which silently begs me to buy another one. I've always had crazy habits, but I did not even suspect that at one moment of my life I would count the lipsticks I own but I did not know I owned them.
One of them is the Catrice Ombre lipstick that has the scent of chocolate. My favourite.
Pakovanje je od crne plastike, kao kod većine ruževa. Nijansa koju ja imam je 020 - Nude York City Style.
Ovaj ruž ima 2 boje, tamniju i svjetliju. U ovom slučaju u pitanju tamnija je neka burgundy boja, dok je svjetlija nude. Na tom "kvadratiću" većinski dio je ta nude nijansa, tako da se nakon nanošenja dobije efekat kao da sam crtala usne nekom tamnijom olovkom. Mislim, to je bar način kako ja koristim.
Probala sam i obrnuto, ali se uopće ne vidi taj ombre izgled.
The package is made of black glossy plastic, like most of the lipsticks. The shade I own is 020 - Nude York City Style.
This lipstick has 2 colors, darker and brighter. In this case, darker one is burgundy, while the brighter one is nude. On this tiny "square", the majority is nude color, so after applying, the effect is as if I drew my lips with a darker lip pencil. I mean, that's just the way I use it.
I tried and vice versa, but I do not see this ombre look at all.
Pred mirisa, na ovom ružu mi se sviđa što je kremast i nježan na usnama. Pigmentacija je okej, pa nema potrebe da se više puta nanosi. Za onaj "prirodan" izgled, bitno je samo precizno ga nanijeti, što i nije neki problem zbog oblika ruža.
Ruž ima blagi sjaj i nije ljepljiv. Neće spasti nakon kafe, ali mu je jelo jak neprijatelj.
I like this lipstick because it is creamy and gentle on my lips. Pigmentation is okay, so there is no need to apply it several times. For that "natural" look, it's important to just apply it precisely, which is not a problem because of the shape of lipstick.
It has a mild glow and is not sticky. It will not go down after coffee, but food is a strong enemy.
Volim nositi ovaj ruž sa sobom u torbici, jer u onom momentu kad mi treba neki wow dodatak na dnevni makeup, ovaj ruž nekako napravi elegantnu promjenu.
Vjerujem da se ovaj ruž može kupiti u CM-u i DM-u i cijena mu je u rangu sa ostalim Catrice ruževima.
I love to carry this lipstick with myself in the purse because at that moment when I need some wow "add on" on daily makeup, this lipstick somehow makes an elegant change.
I believe this lipstick can be bought in CM and DM and its price is in line with other Catrice lipsticks.
Jeste li imale priliku koristiti ovaj ruž? Koja nijansa se vama sviđa?
Ugodan ostatak dana želim,
Did you have the chance to use this lipstick? Which shade do you like?
I wish you lovely day,
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