I jest' i nije. Tačno ne znam šta bih vam rekla...
It is and it is not waterproof. I really do not know what to tell you...
Nisam htjela pisati o ovom čudu bar još mjesec dana, jer kontam, prioritetnije mi je pisati o nečemu što mi je dobro. Ali me je današnja situacija u najmanju ruku naljutila. Logično, prošlo je to mene odmah, al' eto obzirom da mi se rijetko dešava da me nešto razočara , baš me "pogodi".
Neće ovo biti klasičan post sa opisom ambalaže, boje, teksture, postojanosti, nego ću vam samo prepričati nekoliko situacija sa ovim eyeliner-om, čisto da znate šta vas čeka pri kupovini i korištenju. A ove ostale sitnice ćete vidjeti na fotografijama...
I did not want to write about this thingy at least for a month, because it is my priority to write about something that is fine to me. But today, the situation at the very least made me angry. I am not angry now but I want to share what I think about this eyeliner.
This will not be a classic post with a description of packaging, color, texture, durability, instead of that I'll tell you a few situations I had, just so you can know what's waiting for you if you buy and use it.
All other things related to this product can be seen on photos...
Ovaj eyeliner po meni ima samo dobar aplikator. I to je nekako jedini razlog zašto istog momenta nije završio u smeću.
Četkica je tanka te je vrlo lako izvuči fine linije na oku, ne pravi haos pri nanošenju i stvarno se jednostavno rukuje s njim.
Ali to je jedina stvar za pohvalu...

This eyeliner just has good applicator in my opinion. And that's somehow the only reason why it did not end up in the trash.
The brush is thin and it easily makes the fine lines on the eyelid, it does not make the chaos when applying and it is really easy to handle it.
But that's the only good thing about it...
Kada sam prvi put pokušala koristiti ovaj tuš, to je iole bilo solidno. Četkica testirana, odlična je, idemo dalje. Kako sam ja ljubitelj malo "deblje" linije na kapcima, tu je potrebno dosta truda da ne nastane havarija, i naravno duži vremenski period da se tuš osuši, te ja ne trepćem par minuta - ili nikako ili napola uz velike napore.
Za vodootporni eyeliner koji se ne razmazuje (bar po onom što piše na kutijici) je previše kada treba da se suši 5 minuta.
Hajde, prošlo je 5 minuta, tuš je bio suh i ja sam mogla nastaviti sa svojim poslom. Sat vremena nakon toga sam sjedila sa nekim društvom i kolegica mi je rekla da imam crnu liniju na očima. Ja sva u fazonu: 'Ne zezaj, vidiš da je tuš.' Kaže ona: ' Jeste, dobar ti tuš sa 2 linije, baš si inovativna.'
Tuš se potpuno preslikao na gornji dio kapka pa je to izgledalo kao loša maska za Noć Vještica. Užasava me to!
Da naglasim, imala sam bazu za sjenu, i neku neutralnu mat sjenu na kapku, tako da uopće nije moglo doći do razmazivanja zbog moje kože (koja čak i nije bila masna u tom periodu).
When I tried to use this eyeliner for the first time, it was pretty good. The brush is tested, it's great, go on. As I am a fan of the "thicker" lines on my eyelids, it takes a lot of effort to avoid havoc, and of course the longer the period of time for the eyeliner to get dry, and I seriously do not blink for a few minutes - with maximum effort. (See what I did here DP fans?)
For a waterproof eyeliner that does not smudge (at least what it says on the package) is too much when it needs 5 minutes to completely dry.
So okay, it's been five minutes, the eyeliner was finally dry and I could go on with my job. An hour later I was sitting with some company and my colleague told me I had a black line in my eyes. And I was like: 'You are joking, you see the eyeliner.' She says, 'Well that is eyeliner with two lines, you're really innovative.'
The eyeliner completely overlapped on the upper part of my eyelids, so it looked like a bad mask for the Halloween. It pissed me off!
Just to point out something, I had a eyeshadow base, and a neutral mat eyeshadow on the eyelid so there is no possible way that my skin was reason for that issue.
Nije to toliko loše iskustvo pa sam nekako pokušala da pravim tanje linije kako bih testirala ovaj tuš kako treba. Do danas..
Danas nekako odustajem i ne vjerujem da ću ga potrošiti do kraja.
Okej, vodootporna šminka se neće lako skinuti sapunom i vodom, niti običnom micelarnom. Ali bi kombinacija micelarne i mlijeka za čišćenje šminke trebala biti sasvim dovoljna da se potpuno otkloni sa očiju.
Danas mi je ostao trag na očima kao da sam se šminkala sa onim trajnim markerom, pa pokušala skinuti prvi sloj. Dakle umivanje, pa micelarna (koja inače skida sve), pa mlijeko za lice, pa ponovno micelarna, pa umivanje... Nekako sam uspjela.
I to me je stvarno naljutilo.
Poštujem onu stranu da je vodootporan, ali šta znači vodootporan tuš koji se razmazuje i preslikava, a onda nakon 8 sati na očima - neće da se ukloni sa kože? Koliko je to uredu?
Ne znam ni sama više...
First case was not really bad experience so I tried testing it with thin lines so that I could test this eyeliner properly. Until today..
Today I give up and I do not believe I will use it anymore.
Okay, the waterproof makeup will not be easily removed with soap and water, nor ordinary micellar makeup remover. But a combination of micellar water and milk for removing makeup should be enough to be completely removed from the eyelids.
Today I looked like I was using with permanent black marker instead of eyeliner, and just tried to remove the first layer.
So I tried with water, then micellar water (which usually removes everything), then milk for makeup removing, then again micellar, and then again water... Somehow I succeeded.
And that really made me angry.
I respect the part that it is waterproof, but what to do when a waterproof eyeliner that smears, but then after 8 o'clock on the eyelids - will not be removed from the skin? Is that good?
I do not know what to say anymore...
Što se tiče negativnih recenzija ovdje, to bi bilo to za sad. Ovim ne govorim da ostali proizvodi Wet n Wild brenda nisu okej. Već sam tipkala o korektoru kojeg stvarno volim i koji mi odgovara, u pripremi je recenzija jedne divne palete, ali ovaj eyeliner nije nešto za pohvalu.
Košta oko 8KM i ne vrijedi taj novac nažalost.
Pitam vas i ovdje, koji proizvod vi ne bi nikome preporučile i zašto?
As for the negative reviews here, that would be it for now. I'm not saying that other Wet n Wild products are not okay.
You can read blog post about the concealer I really like, also a review of a wonderful palette is being prepared, but this eyeliner is not something I would recommend.
It costs about 4€ and is not worth the money unfortunately.
I also ask you here, which product you would not recommend to anyone and why?
It is and it is not waterproof. I really do not know what to tell you...
Nisam htjela pisati o ovom čudu bar još mjesec dana, jer kontam, prioritetnije mi je pisati o nečemu što mi je dobro. Ali me je današnja situacija u najmanju ruku naljutila. Logično, prošlo je to mene odmah, al' eto obzirom da mi se rijetko dešava da me nešto razočara , baš me "pogodi".
Neće ovo biti klasičan post sa opisom ambalaže, boje, teksture, postojanosti, nego ću vam samo prepričati nekoliko situacija sa ovim eyeliner-om, čisto da znate šta vas čeka pri kupovini i korištenju. A ove ostale sitnice ćete vidjeti na fotografijama...
I did not want to write about this thingy at least for a month, because it is my priority to write about something that is fine to me. But today, the situation at the very least made me angry. I am not angry now but I want to share what I think about this eyeliner.
This will not be a classic post with a description of packaging, color, texture, durability, instead of that I'll tell you a few situations I had, just so you can know what's waiting for you if you buy and use it.
All other things related to this product can be seen on photos...
Ovaj eyeliner po meni ima samo dobar aplikator. I to je nekako jedini razlog zašto istog momenta nije završio u smeću.
Četkica je tanka te je vrlo lako izvuči fine linije na oku, ne pravi haos pri nanošenju i stvarno se jednostavno rukuje s njim.
Ali to je jedina stvar za pohvalu...
This eyeliner just has good applicator in my opinion. And that's somehow the only reason why it did not end up in the trash.
The brush is thin and it easily makes the fine lines on the eyelid, it does not make the chaos when applying and it is really easy to handle it.
But that's the only good thing about it...
Kada sam prvi put pokušala koristiti ovaj tuš, to je iole bilo solidno. Četkica testirana, odlična je, idemo dalje. Kako sam ja ljubitelj malo "deblje" linije na kapcima, tu je potrebno dosta truda da ne nastane havarija, i naravno duži vremenski period da se tuš osuši, te ja ne trepćem par minuta - ili nikako ili napola uz velike napore.
Za vodootporni eyeliner koji se ne razmazuje (bar po onom što piše na kutijici) je previše kada treba da se suši 5 minuta.
Hajde, prošlo je 5 minuta, tuš je bio suh i ja sam mogla nastaviti sa svojim poslom. Sat vremena nakon toga sam sjedila sa nekim društvom i kolegica mi je rekla da imam crnu liniju na očima. Ja sva u fazonu: 'Ne zezaj, vidiš da je tuš.' Kaže ona: ' Jeste, dobar ti tuš sa 2 linije, baš si inovativna.'
Tuš se potpuno preslikao na gornji dio kapka pa je to izgledalo kao loša maska za Noć Vještica. Užasava me to!
Da naglasim, imala sam bazu za sjenu, i neku neutralnu mat sjenu na kapku, tako da uopće nije moglo doći do razmazivanja zbog moje kože (koja čak i nije bila masna u tom periodu).
When I tried to use this eyeliner for the first time, it was pretty good. The brush is tested, it's great, go on. As I am a fan of the "thicker" lines on my eyelids, it takes a lot of effort to avoid havoc, and of course the longer the period of time for the eyeliner to get dry, and I seriously do not blink for a few minutes - with maximum effort. (See what I did here DP fans?)
For a waterproof eyeliner that does not smudge (at least what it says on the package) is too much when it needs 5 minutes to completely dry.
So okay, it's been five minutes, the eyeliner was finally dry and I could go on with my job. An hour later I was sitting with some company and my colleague told me I had a black line in my eyes. And I was like: 'You are joking, you see the eyeliner.' She says, 'Well that is eyeliner with two lines, you're really innovative.'
The eyeliner completely overlapped on the upper part of my eyelids, so it looked like a bad mask for the Halloween. It pissed me off!
Just to point out something, I had a eyeshadow base, and a neutral mat eyeshadow on the eyelid so there is no possible way that my skin was reason for that issue.
Nije to toliko loše iskustvo pa sam nekako pokušala da pravim tanje linije kako bih testirala ovaj tuš kako treba. Do danas..
Danas nekako odustajem i ne vjerujem da ću ga potrošiti do kraja.
Okej, vodootporna šminka se neće lako skinuti sapunom i vodom, niti običnom micelarnom. Ali bi kombinacija micelarne i mlijeka za čišćenje šminke trebala biti sasvim dovoljna da se potpuno otkloni sa očiju.
Danas mi je ostao trag na očima kao da sam se šminkala sa onim trajnim markerom, pa pokušala skinuti prvi sloj. Dakle umivanje, pa micelarna (koja inače skida sve), pa mlijeko za lice, pa ponovno micelarna, pa umivanje... Nekako sam uspjela.
I to me je stvarno naljutilo.
Poštujem onu stranu da je vodootporan, ali šta znači vodootporan tuš koji se razmazuje i preslikava, a onda nakon 8 sati na očima - neće da se ukloni sa kože? Koliko je to uredu?
Ne znam ni sama više...
First case was not really bad experience so I tried testing it with thin lines so that I could test this eyeliner properly. Until today..
Today I give up and I do not believe I will use it anymore.
Okay, the waterproof makeup will not be easily removed with soap and water, nor ordinary micellar makeup remover. But a combination of micellar water and milk for removing makeup should be enough to be completely removed from the eyelids.
Today I looked like I was using with permanent black marker instead of eyeliner, and just tried to remove the first layer.
So I tried with water, then micellar water (which usually removes everything), then milk for makeup removing, then again micellar, and then again water... Somehow I succeeded.
And that really made me angry.
I respect the part that it is waterproof, but what to do when a waterproof eyeliner that smears, but then after 8 o'clock on the eyelids - will not be removed from the skin? Is that good?
I do not know what to say anymore...
Što se tiče negativnih recenzija ovdje, to bi bilo to za sad. Ovim ne govorim da ostali proizvodi Wet n Wild brenda nisu okej. Već sam tipkala o korektoru kojeg stvarno volim i koji mi odgovara, u pripremi je recenzija jedne divne palete, ali ovaj eyeliner nije nešto za pohvalu.
Košta oko 8KM i ne vrijedi taj novac nažalost.
Pitam vas i ovdje, koji proizvod vi ne bi nikome preporučile i zašto?
As for the negative reviews here, that would be it for now. I'm not saying that other Wet n Wild products are not okay.
You can read blog post about the concealer I really like, also a review of a wonderful palette is being prepared, but this eyeliner is not something I would recommend.
It costs about 4€ and is not worth the money unfortunately.
I also ask you here, which product you would not recommend to anyone and why?
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