Dok čekam jedan fini paketić, treniram i uglavnom učim za ispite, najdraža pauza mi je čačkanje po blogovima. Pratim dosta blogerica, samo mi je najveća greška što slabo komentarišem. Ali potruditi ću se obećavam.
Već sam negdje spomenula da imam zgodnog, pametnog i dosjetljivog dečka koji zna tačno šta da mi pokloni i ujedno finansira ovaj moj skupi hobi. Ovim putem, po ko zna koji put, mu se zahvaljujem za sav trud i podršku.
U paketiću koji mi je poklonio je bila i ova sjena koju sam MORALA da spomenem. Jer sam baš prosto zaljubljena u nju. Ne skidam je s očiju ima 10-15 dana. Kombinacije, fazoni. U sve se miješa!
While I am waiting for a little package, training and studying, I use my pause to read blogs. My mistake is that I rarely comment but I will try to be better I promise.
I allready mentioned that I havve handsome,smart and quirky boyfriend who knows exactly what I like and what to buy. He is also sponsor for this expensive hobby. This way I want to thank him for everything. Pushing me, helping me and being here.
In little package I got from him, I found this eyeshadow which I REALLY HAD TO mention because I am in love. I use it a lot for 15 days now. It can blend in anything!
Šta kaže Catrice?
Trend na vidiku: nova Velvet Matt sjenila za oči s inovativnom, vrhunskom teksturom sadrže ultra-nježne svjetlucave pigmenti za baršunasti-mat finiš. Zahvaljujući njihovoj svilenkastoj, vrlo pigmentiranoj formuli, Velvet Matt sjenila za oči gotovo se tope na vašoj koži kako bi stvorila sjajan izgled. Imate izbor od četiri sjajne nijanse.
Catrice says...
The trend on the horizon: the new Velvet Matt eye shadow with innovative, top-quality textured contain an ultra-gentle shimmering pigments for velvety-matt finish. Thanks to their silky, highly pigmented formula, Velvet Matt eye shadow almost melts on your skin to create a great look. You have a choice of four bright shades.
Nađoh informaciju da ustvari postoji 6 nijansi. Ali realno, od onih ovdje dostupnih, meni se samo siva sviđa. Što ne znači da ostale neću bar probati i napisati nešto o njima kad dobijem priliku.
Ako se najbolje sjećam,cijena ovih mono sjena je oko 4KM na sniženju u CM-u. Ne garantujem jer nisam od 8og marta pošteno u CM/DM ušla. Sve je bilo "s nogu".
I just found information that there is six shades of this eyeshadow. But, to be honest, from those available here, I only like this one, gray. That doesn't mean I will not try other shades when I get a chance.
Welcome to Greysland!
Pakovanje je od čvrste plastike koje nema šanse da pukne ili se ošteti nakon 10ak otvaranja. Sjene na kojima mi se to desi lete na dno ladice da su najbolje na svijetu. Perfekcioista sam u datim momentima i to me izluđuje.
U pakovanju je 3,3 grama koje možete koristiti 12 mjeseci (po tom nekom definisanom roku trajanja). Providno je i kompaktno. Obožavam sitne stvari!
Ono što mi se sviđa kod ove sjene je što je pigmentirana i ne trusi se pretjerano. Probala sam je na oba načina, sa i bez baze i moram reći da nema neke pretjerane razlike i kod postojanosti. Na kapcima je vizuelno mekana i nema onaj tvrdi mat izgled uopšte. Blendanje ove sjene je meni zanimljivo jer dovede do više nijansi sive. A prelazi nisu grubi.
Po mom iskustvu, nadograđivanje ove sjene je bespotrebno, jer je onaj prvi utapkani sloj sasvim dovoljan za neki jednostavni look sa malo eyelinera. A ako već hoćete nešto dramatičnije, sigurna sam da je apsolutno nadogradiva.
Volim ovu sjenu zato što je totalno "smooth" ! :)
The packaging is made of hard plastic that has no chance to break or be damaged after just 10 opening. The shadows where it happens get dropped in the bottom of drawers even if they are the best on the whole planet. I am kinda perfectionist so it drives me crazy.
The package is 3.3 grams, which you can use for 12 months (Defined shelf time). It's transparent and compact. I love the little things!
What I like about this eyeshadow is that it's pigmented and it does not shed excessively. I tried it both ways, with and without a base and I have to say that there is no excessive differences when it comes to stay-on-eyelid. On the eyelids is visually soft and there is no that sharp matte look. Blending these shadows is interesting to me because it leads to more shades of gray. Edges are not rough at all.
In my experience, upgrading these shadows is unnecessary, because the first layer is quite sufficient for a simple look with a little eyeliner. And if you want something more dramatic, I'm sure it is absolutely upgradeable.
I love this shade because it is completely "smooth"! :)
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Evo kako to izgleda na mojim kapcima, jedan tanki sloj. |
Djevojke, da li ste probale neku od Velvet Matt sjena? Kakav je vaš utisak?
Planiram da blog bude raznovrsan i da vam pokažem svoj stil koji je prilično čudan i neuobičajen. Imam divnih krpica koje bi bilo šteta ne pokazati.
Hvala vam na posjeti!
Girls, have you tried any of these Velvet Matt eyeshadows? What is your experience?
I'm planing on activating my blog with fashion posts also. To show you my style which is kinda weird and different. I have some really good things in my wardrobe which is a shame not to show.
Thanks for reading!
Your makeup and you looks great ! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks <3