Mnogi od vas su vidjeli da na svojoj stranici na Facebook-u dijelim link koji obično vodi ka nekoj fotografiji. To je, drage moje, jedan super zanimljivi sajt na kojem kada podignete fotografiju možete i zaraditi. Nešto sitno, ali s vremenom može biti korisno.
Many of you have seen that I share a link on my Facebook page that usually leads to a photograph. That is one super interesting site where you can earn by posting photos. It is not something big, but I find it good and after some time it can be useful.
Koji je princip ?
U slučaju da želite da se registrujete : KLIK OVDJE.
Ja se nadam da će vam se ovaj sajt svidjeti kao i meni.
In case you want to register : CLICK HERE.
I hope you will like this site as much as I do.
*Nikoga i ništa ne reklamiram. Cilj mi je da pokažem čime se bavim u slobodno vrijeme. / I am not advertising. My goal is to show you what I do in my free time.
*Ako se registrujete, pošaljite mi nickname u poruci ili komentarišite ovdje da mogu da vas pratim. / If you register, send me a nickname in a message or comment on here I can follow you.
Many of you have seen that I share a link on my Facebook page that usually leads to a photograph. That is one super interesting site where you can earn by posting photos. It is not something big, but I find it good and after some time it can be useful.
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Fotografija je preuzeta sa Fliiby Facebook stranice |
Koji je princip ?
Jednostavno. Vjerujem da većina vas voli da fotografiše svakodnevno. Bilo da je to neki detalj koji vidite na ulici ili je recimo u pitanju photoshoot za blog post. Vaše je samo da fotografiju podignete na ovu platformu, date joj naziv, opis, i dodate tagove. Administracija odobrava fotografiju and you are good to go. Fotografije možete dijeliti na društvenim mrežama da bi imali više publike. Sve u zavinosti šta vam odgovara.
Odmah da naglasim, da je neka WOW zarada i nije, ali je meni bilo dovoljno zanimljivo da se registrujem. Sve to opet zavisi od vaše aktivnosti i mogućnosti da budete svakodnevno aktivni.
Vi na svom profilu imate prostor od 2GB što smatram da je sasvim dovoljno u početnom periodu. Na svakoj fotografiji se broje pregledi, lajkovi i download. Što se tiče činjenice da će neko da skine vašu fotografiju i koristi je za nešto, najbolje je da stavite svoj watermark ili bilo kakav znak da je fotografija vaša. Ja to ne radim jer trenutno ne fotkam ništa što bi neko mogao iskoristiti, ali ću vjerovatno početi uskoro.
Kao i na svakoj društvenoj mreži imate mogućnost da pratite nekoga i da budete praćeni. Svoj profil možete povezati sa blogom također ili postaviti widget kao što sam ja. ( Na dnu stranice ) Uglavnom, postoji mnogo mogućnosti za širenje svoje mreže i rast publike koja prati vaš rad.
Meni je zaista zanimljivo.
What is the point?
Easy. I believe that most of you likes to take photographs every day. Whether it's a detail that you see on the street or photoshoot for the blog post. You only need to upload the photo on this platform, give it a name, description, and add tags. Administration approves the photo and you are good to go. You can share photos on social networks in order to have more audience. It depends what suits you and what do you want.
Immediately to emphasize that it is not a huge earnings "project", but it was interesting to me just enough to register. All that depends on your activities and opportunities to be active every day.
On your profile you have the space of 2GB which I think is quite enough in the initial period. For each photo is counted reviews, likes and download. As for the fact that someone would take download your photo and use it for something, it is best to put your watermark or any sign that it is your photo. I do not do that because I currently do not take photos of things that anyone could use, but I will probably start soon.
As in any social network you have the ability to follow someone and to be followed. Your profile can also be connected with a blog or you can put a widget like I did. (See the bottom of the page ) Basically, there are many possibilities for the expansion of your network and increase the audience that accompanies your work.
It is really interesting for me.
Neke od najpopularnijih fotografija na mom profilu:
Here are some of most popular photos on my profile:
Here are some of most popular photos on my profile:
U slučaju da želite da se registrujete : KLIK OVDJE.
Ja se nadam da će vam se ovaj sajt svidjeti kao i meni.
In case you want to register : CLICK HERE.
I hope you will like this site as much as I do.
*Nikoga i ništa ne reklamiram. Cilj mi je da pokažem čime se bavim u slobodno vrijeme. / I am not advertising. My goal is to show you what I do in my free time.
*Ako se registrujete, pošaljite mi nickname u poruci ili komentarišite ovdje da mogu da vas pratim. / If you register, send me a nickname in a message or comment on here I can follow you.
That ring is so pretty!
ReplyDeleteThanks <3
DeleteI had no idea that site existed so thank you for letting me know about it.
ReplyDeleteI believe you never heard of it because people behind it are from Serbia, Balkan state. :D
Deletethanks for visiting!
Amazing photos! I especially loved be roses. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I'm always looking for new places to upload my pictures to and if it helps with my blog, I'm all for it. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI am glad I helped :D Thanks for visit!
DeleteYour pictures are absolutely gorgeous specially the flowers ones, sooo pretty!
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteHave a nice day. <3
Your photos a beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteLove the photography!
ReplyDeletethank you so much!
DeleteYour photos are gorgeous! And thanks for your information about the photography page.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! <3
DeleteI had no idea there was a side like that, thanks for sharing and also i love your photos
ReplyDeleteI am glad I helped. thank you
DeleteI love taking pictures ! Now that I found that I can earn money from it, it's amazing :)
ReplyDeletethank you
DeleteGreat pics at the bottom, really helpful as I will look for it on the next post.
ReplyDeletethanks for visiting.
DeleteThose pictures look amazing!
ReplyDelete<3: Jasmin N |
thanks <3
Deletenice manicure, love the colour!
ReplyDeleteThank you