

Kao što sam i obećala, post o Fit Detox čaju sa mojim iskustvom i mišljenjem nakon dužeg konzumiranja.
Ako niste u toku, pročitajte PRVI DIO.

Kao što sam već rekla, prirodni sastav je najbitnija stvar kod ovog čaja, pa sam ga bez problema ubacila u prehranu i svoj raspored. Pila sam ga 6 dana u sedmici i već nakon nekoliko dana sam primijetila promjene na koži, metabolizmu i tijelu generalno.

Da razjasnimo, ovaj čaj ne čini čuda i ne sagorijeva picu koju ste pojeli za večeru u 23:30. U principu, ništa ne sagorijeva ništa ako sjedite i čekate Godoa. Neće doći. Niti ćete vi nekim čudom smršati.

As I promised, post about the Fit Detox tea with my experience and opinion after prolonged consumption.

As I have already said, natural ingredients are the most important thing about this tea, so I started using it in my nutrition plan. I used it six days a week and after a few days I noticed changes in the skin, the metabolism and the body in general.

Let's be clear, this tea doesn't do wonders and does not burn the pizza you ate for dinner at 23:30. In principle, nothing can burn anything if you sit back and wait for Godot. He will not come. Nor will you miraculously lose weight.


Ja sam uz svoju prehranu i vježbice za period od 20 dana smršala oko kilogram i pol. Meni je to sasvim dovoljno. Pogotovo što je taj period vrijeme bilo bukvalno za spavanja. Promjena koju je napravio ovaj čaj je ta da više nisam imala potrebu da jedem kasno, i apetit mi se znatno smanjio. 
Tako da je malo šetnjica, vježbanja i mnogo jogurta dovelo i da se cifra na vagi smanji.

Kafa mi više nije prijeko potrebna ujutro 
Kao neko ko je poznat po tome da ujeda dok ne popije kafu, iznenadila sam se koliko sam umanjila konnzumaciju kafe generalno, sada se ujutro odmah hvatam doručka i čitanje bez kafe. Mogu da otvorim oči i da ne budem apsolutan mrgud. 


With my diet and exercise for a period of 20 days I lost about a kilo and a half. I find it quite enough. Especially as that period was literally weather to sleep. The change this tea made is that I no longer had the urge to eat late, and my appetite is significantly reduced.
So little bit of walking, exercise and a lot of yogurt led to the number on the scale decreases.

Coffee is no longer necessary in the morning
As someone who is known to bite if  didn't drink coffee, I was surprised how much I downgraded using coffee in general, now in the morning I immediately catch breakfast and read without coffee. I can open my eyes and not to be absolute hedgehog.


Prvo jutro nakon konzumacije čaja sam se probudila sa nekoliko malih, sitnih, "zrelih" bubuljica koje sam odmah očistila i nisu se više vraćale. Da kažem da pomaže pri kompletnom čišćenju kože, slagala bih, ali sigurno je da ubrzava izbacivanje nećistoća. Zato se i zove mješavina za detoksikaciju. 

Sve u svemu, ovaj čaj je definitivno nešto što bih ja koristila, zbog umirujućeg efekta koji stvara pa onda i zbog ostalih navedenih činjenica. 

Fit Detox Tea možete naručiti na: www.fitdetoxtea.com

Hvala na čitanju...


The first morning after drinking tea, I woke up with a few small, tiny, 'ripe' pimple I immediately cleaned, and they never returned. To say that helps in complete cleansing of the skin, would be lie, but it is certain that accelerates ejecting impurities. That's why it's called a detox blend.

All in all, this tea is definitely something that I would use, because of the calming effect that creates and then for the rest of already said things.

Fit Detox Tea can be ordered at: www.fitdetoxtea.com

Thanks for reading ...


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  1. I enjoyed reading your tea cleanse journey and results! I have few favorite brands by Yogi that I don't mind drinking but works great for my body and health goals!!



  2. I really enjoyed your review I used one before but it didn't work as good might try this one out. http://sheismelrose.net/

    1. Try It, it is really good!

      thanks for visiting!

  3. This post was awesome, I've always wondered this tea thing and it seems super interesting. Might try it someday:D

    <3: Jasmin N

    1. Try it, it is awesome! Completely natural and useful!

      Thank you for visiting!

  4. The first time I tried detox tea I quit before seeing any results. You've inspired me to try it again! Thanks for sharing

  5. I love this part :"Let's be clear, this tea doesn't do wonders and does not burn the pizza you ate for dinner at 23:30" so true and so many are dreaming at pizza magically disappear :)

    1. It's harsh and funny truth. :D

      Thank you!

  6. Sounds good! I've never done a cleanse or detox before but this tea sounds really nice. Obviously there are no quick fixes when it comes to health, but it sounds like you had some good results from this one!

    Nellwyn | www.thecardinalpress.com

    1. This was my first Detox program and I have to say that its a shame I never used it before. So useful.

      Thanks for visiting.

  7. Great post! I've been wondering about these tea's. I might give it a go after this baby is born! xxx

  8. Pelijep post,pogledaj moj blog i post o zdravoj ishtani http://herecomesajla.blogspot.ba/

  9. I enjoyed reading this review, I've always been curious to try a detox tea. Might go ahead and try one before my holiday in July to help me lose that extra pound.

    1. Try it, you will not regret it.

      Thanks for visiting!

  10. I have heard many mixed opinions of those type of detox teas. I have been curious to try one myself to see though

  11. Thanks for posting such an honest review! I've read a lot of reviews on different detoxing teas and I always wondered if they had any positive effects because it's not a miracle cure. I'd like to try one.

