
Wet'n'wild Magaglo Makeup Stick

In the eternal search for a concealer that will cover my dark spots on skin, I come across some that partially do it, but are not too heavy on my skin. Why do I point this out?
This summer I decided that I absolutely did not want to have with anything mattifying and heavy-duty foundations and concealers. Baking is out of the questiong and I adore that natural glow I have these days.

U vječitoj potrazi za korektorom koji će prekriti podočnjake mojih podočnjaka naiđem na poneki koji to djelimično uradi, a nije pretjerano težak. Zašto ovo ističem?
Ovog ljeta u pokušaju sam odlučila da apsolutno ništa ne želim da imam sa matirajućim i teškim puderima i korektorima. Bakeing mi ne pada na pamet i obožavam onaj prirodni sjaj, koliko ga može biti.

Wet'n'wild Magaglo Makeup Stick

U pitanju je korektor u stiku čije pakovanje mi se uopće ne dopada jer se poklopac raspao nakon 2 nošenja u neseseru. U pakovanju je 6gr proizvoda i rok trajanja je 18 mjeseci. Kućište sa korektorom je od čvrste plastike. Ima navoj tako da je vrlo lako rukovati s njim. Izvučete dovoljno, nanesete na kožu i to je to. Good to go!
Nijansa koju ja koristim se zove Follow Your Bisque (E807), a u ponudi mislim da ima 4 nijanse. 

It is a concealer in a stick whose package I do not like because the lid has broken after I carried it with me for two times. In the packaging is 6gr of product and the shelf life is 18 months. The case with the concealer is made of solid plastic. It has a thread so it's very easy to handle it. Get enough, apply to the skin and that's it. Good to go!
The tone I use is called Follow Your Bisque (E807), and in the offer I think it has 4 shades.

Wet'n'wild Magaglo Makeup Stick

Wet'n'wild Magaglo Makeup Stick

Wet'n'wild Magaglo Makeup Stick

Ovaj korektor nema jaku prekrivnu moć i ako tražite nešto takvo, nemojte ga uzimati. Meni se dopada iz razloga što se lako blenda i pomaže da istaknem dijelove lica koje želim, bez da koristim još 3 proizvoda preko. Kremast je i nije uopće suh nakon nanošenja. Daje onaj blagi prirodni sjaj i ne ističe pore. Ovo je korektor za onaj "brži" makeup i za ovo ljetno doba kada nam uopće ne treba nešto teško na koži.
Koža mog lica je kritično suha i ima dosta nepravilnosti, a ovaj korektor u kombinaciji sa BB kremom ili puderom za suhu kožu je ključ za prirodan izgled. Pokrije nepravilnosti tek toliko da se ne vidi ono upečatljivo crvenilo, ali ne stvara osjećaj i izgled kao da sam "zabetonirala facu". Što apsolutno izbjegavam u svakom slučaju.
Sve u svemu, ova stvarčica je nešto što rado i svakodnevno koristim. Košta nekih 8KM u CM-u i stvarno je dobra investicija.

This concealer does not have a strong covering power and if you are looking for the one that does, do not buy it. I like it because it's easy to blend and helps to highlight parts of skin I want, without using 3 more products over it. It is creamy and is not dry at all. It gives it a gentle natural glow and does not expose the pores. This is the concealer for that "quicker" makeup and for this summer when we do not need anything too heavy on the skin.
The skin of my face is critically dry and has a lot of irregularities, and this corrector in combination with BB cream or foundation for dry skin is the key to a natural look. It covers irregularities only so much that you can not redness, but it does not create a feeling and appearance as if I "flapped the face". What I absolutely avoid in each case.

All in all, this thing is something I like and I use everyday. It costs around 4$ in CM and is really a good investment.

Wet'n'wild Magaglo Makeup Stick

Wet'n'wild Magaglo Makeup Stick Purple Spark

Obzirom da mi je iz nekog razloga praaavo ofirno postaviti fotke samo sa korektorom na licu (a imam ih i loše su), evo vam fotka konačnog makeup look-a. Dakle puder, korektor i malo rumenila.
Hvala na čitanju i nadam se da sam vam barem malo pomogla pri odabiru korektora.

Since I find it awkward for some reason to put pictures with just a corrector on my face (and I have them, but they are really bad), here's the photo of the final makeup look. So a foundation, a corrector and a little blush is there.
Thank you for reading and I hope that I helped you choose the corrector at least for a bit. 



Digital Divas by Avon trakice

Dan kada je blogerska konferencija Digital Divas, meni obično bude jedan od najlakših dana. Baš onako, dan za odmor, gdje dobijem mnogo novih informacija i istovremeno napunim baterije. Pozitivna energija, međusobni "vjetar u leđa", kozmetika, fotkanje, ukusna hrana i nedjelja daleko od stresa i obaveza.

On the day of the Digital Divas blogger conference, I usually have one of the easiest days. Just like that, a vacation day, where I get a lot of new information and at the same time recharge my batteries. Positive energy, mutual "wind in the back", cosmetics, photography, delicious food and Sunday away from stress and commitment.

Digital Divas by Avon

Ove godine smo tu divnu nedjelju 08. jula proveli u Novotel Sarajevo Bristol hotelu na Pofalićima. Imali smo mnogo predivnog prostora za fotkanje i druženje, terasu koja nam je pomogla da imamo odlične Instagram fotografije sa finom svjetlošću i prezentacije novih Avon proizvoda. Sve je bilo predivno dekorisano, sređeno, baš u onom duhu kao da smo na moru. Prezanimljivo!

This year we spent this wonderful Sunday, July 08 at the Novotel Sarajevo Bristol Hotel in Pofalići. We had a lot of wonderful spots for photography and socializing, a terrace that helped us to have great Instagram photos with fine light and presentation of new Avon products. Everything was beautifully decorated, arranged, just in that spirit as if we were on the sea. Too interesting!

Terasa na Novotel Sarajevo Bristol

Avon Bosna i Hercegovina 15. rođendan

Avon slavi 15tu godišnjicu u BiH

Avon celebrates 15 years in BiH

Digitalne Dive BiH, prostor za druženje

Avon Care SUN+ products

Konferenciju je naravno otvorila divna Šejla koja nam je ukratko predstavila goste i ono o čemu će se danas diskutovati. Šejla i njen tim su i ovaj put bili na nivou zadatka pa niko od nas nije mogao sakriti oduševljenje zbog tema i gostiju.
Na moje iznenađenje (ne mnogo veliko) ukapirala sam koliko malo ustvari znam o digitalnom marketingu, o blogu i o mogućnostima da napredujem, bez obzira što uvijek nešto čačkam i istražujem. To je još jedan od razloga zašto sam bila oduševljena izborom gostiju i tema. Stvarno, svaki put do sada sam dobila booster da promijenim blog i poboljšam situaciju na njemu.
Vjerovatno ću ovim postom to i početi.

The conference was, of course, opened by the wonderful Šejla, which briefly presented us to the guests and what we will discuss today. Šejla and her team did an amazing job so none of us could hide the enthusiasm for the topics and guests.
To my surprise (not big tho), I realized how little I actually know about digital marketing, a blog, and the ways for progress no matter the fact that I'm always looking for new informationg and exploring ideas. This is another reason why I was thrilled with the choice of guests and topics. 

Otvorenje konferencije Šejla Korijenić Avon

Gosti na konferenciji / Conference guests

New Media People
Ekipa ove digitalne agencije nam je pričala o oglašavanju, tehnologijama koje se koriste za promociju, šta nam je dobro, šta loše, kako blog dovesti u red i probiti se na blogerskoj sceni svojim kvalitetom. Edukativna i zanimljiva prezentacija u kojoj sam stvarno uživala. 

The team of this digital agency told us about advertising, the technology used for promotion, what's good, what's wrong, how to make good blog and break into the blogging scene with its quality. Educational and interesting presentation in which I really enjoyed.

Lucija Josipović & Lucija Gorički
Dvije Lucije su nam pričale o Avon Makeup challenge koji je bio aktualan u Hrvatskoj neko vrijeme. Lucija Josipović je PR Avona u Hrvatskoj, dok je Lucija Gorički pobjednica tog takmičenja. Čuli smo mnogo o iskustvu i blogerima u Hrvatskoj, nasmijali se pojedinim situacijama i imali priliku biti dio te atmosfere. Organizovano je sedmominutno tačmičenje gdje su Zerina i Jasenka pokušale kreirati šareni ljetni makeup look. Bilo je stvarno prezabavno! 
Mislim da je neko rekao da će se i kod nas ogranzovati taj Makeup Challenge i, bez obzira što nisam pretjerano talentovana, prijaviti ću se. 

Two Lucias talked to us about Avon Makeup Challenge, which was current in Croatia for some time. Lucija Josipović is Avon PR in Croatia, while Lucija Gorički is the winner of that competition. We heard much about the experience and bloggers in Croatia, laughed at certain situations and had the opportunity to be part of that atmosphere. There was a seventh-minute concert where Zerina and Jasenka tried to create a colorful summer makeup look. It was really awesome!
I think somebody said that this Makeup Challenge will also be organised here and I, despite not being too talented, will check in.

Avon Makeup Challenge Zerina Jasenka

Naida Pehilj Bocnak, Maša Zibar, Martina Lolić, Đana Lončarica
Naida, Maša i Martina su nam pričale o svojim iskustvima na internetu, i pokušale najbolje opisati kako se nositi sa svime što uspjeh tog tipa nosi. Đana nam je stručno analizirala te situacije i na najbolji način definisala kako i zašto bi sve to trebalo uticati na nas.
Moj blog je nekako "manji" po toj popularnosti i bez obzira na to imam nekih situacija gdje ne znam kako reagovati. Stvarno mi je drago što sam imala priliku čuti kako se s tim nose djevojke koje imaju 10 puta više pratilaca nego ja.

Naida, Maša and Martina talked to us about their experiences on the internet, and did their best to describe how to deal with everything that the success of that type carries. Đana had expertly analyzed these situations and defined how and why all this should affect us.
My blog is somehow "smaller"  and regardless of that I have some situations where I do not know how to react. I'm really glad I had a chance to hear how girls with 10 times more followers than me are handling those situations.

Digitalne Dive diskusija Bojnakova, Lux Lucius, Dear skin, Mashinthebeauty, Đana Lončarica

Završnu riječ konferencije uputila je Šejla Korjenić, PR specialist Avon Bosna i Hercegovina:
“Veliko zadovoljstvo nam je da kao brend budemo prepoznati kao prvi u našoj zemlji po saradnji sa blogerima. U današnje ubrzano, digitalno vrijeme to zaista puno govori. Ponosni smo na 4 izdanja Digital Divas konferencije u Bosni i Hercegovini i na svojevrsni brend koji smo stvorili kroz ovu konferenciju. Jako smo sretni i što smo danas sa našim dragim prijateljicama sa bloggerske scene proslavili i 15 godina ostojanja Avon kompanije u Bosni i Hercegovini. Hvala još jednom svim učesnicama na divnom danu.”

The closing speech of the conference was delivered by Šejla Korjenić, PR specialist Avon Bosnia and Herzegovina:
"We are very pleased to be recognized as the first brand in our country in cooperation with bloggers. In today's fast-paced, digital time it's really a lot of talk. We are proud of the 4th edition of the Digital Divas Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina and on the kind of brand we created through this conference. We are very happy and that today with our dear friends from the blogging scene we celebrated 15 years of Avon company stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thank you once again to all the participants on a wonderful day. "

Digital Divas by Avon goodie bag

Ponoviti ću još mnogo puta, ali zaista sam presretna što sam dio blogerske zajednice! Nadam se da sam vam uspjela približiti kompletan event i osjećaj.
I will repeat many times, but I'm really happy to be part of a blogger community! I hope I've been able to bring you a complete event and feeling.

Hvala na čitanju. Thanks for visiting.
