
Bug Bee Boom: Bohemian Style Ear Rings

This post was planed to be outfit post, but I realized it would be the shame not to make blog post dedicated only to earrings and details on them.
When the package arrived I was so happy and excited because I did not expect that earrings will be more beautiful than how they looked on the photo.

Ovaj post je bio planiran kao outfit post, ali sam na kraju definitivno odlučila da napravim post fokusiran samo na naušnice koje sam dobila na adresu prošle sedmice.
Kada su stigle bila sam prilično uzbuđena i iznenađena jer su mnogo ljepše nego na fotografiji zbog koje sam ih izabrala.

Naušnice su sa sajta BugBeeBoom koji mi je na prvo otvaranje postao veoma zanimljiv. Definitivno se može naći ponešto za svakoga, i, što je najbitnije, pristupačno je svima nama.
Sajt kao sajt je super urađen. Profinjen, i lako se snaći na njemu. Ekipa koja stoji iza Bug Bee Boom je divna i komunikacija teče zaista ugodno.

These earrings are from BugBeeBoom site which is really interesting for me. You can definitely find something for you no matter what style you prefer. And, in addition, prices are really good. 

Site is really good, it is easy to use it. Team that works on Bug Bee Boom is awesome and I love communicating with them.

 Moja potraga za naušnicama je trajala nekoliko sati jer sam htjela nešto drugačije od onog što već imam, a da opet previše ne odudara od mog stila. Već neko vrijeme sam posmatrala naušnice slične ovima, ali nikada nisam bila baš 100% sigurna da ih želim jer je uvijek neki detalj "kopkao oči".
Ove naušnice mi se sviđaju jer su jednostavne, ali posebne.
Pored naušnica , na ovom sajtu naravno možete naći super prstenje, ogrlice, lančiće, narukvice, privjeske...Kao što rekoh, za svakoga ponešto.

I was browsing trough site looking for earrings that will fit my style but that will be little different from other I already have. I decided to have these because they look elegant but simple.
Besides earrings, you can find really beautiful rings, necklaces, bracelets on Bug Bee Boom. As I said, a little bit of everything. 

 Ne moram ih opisivati mnogo. Samo ću naglasiti da su prilično teške, ali to nekako daje utisak da su kvalitetne. Ne mislim da će cirkonćići tek tako ispasti. Definitivno ne izgledaju jeftino i "isprano" kao mnogo drugih koje sam posmatrala prije. Metal i cirkoni, super izrada - dokaz da ono što je dobro ne mora uvijek biti preskupo.
Duge su oko 7cm i savršeno pristaju uz moj oblik lica. Meni se zaista sviđaju.

I don't need to describe them a lot. I will just say that they are pretty heavy but that is sign that there is quality. Small rhinestones won't rip off easy. Earrings definitely don't look cheap like many other I was watching earlier. These earrings are proof that item doesn't have to be really expensive to be good.
They are around 7 cm long and they perfectly fit with my face. I simply love them!

You can order them here : Bohemian Style Ear Rings  

Možete ih naručiti ovdje: Bohemian Style Ear Rings

Da li vam se sviđaju? Prelistajte Bug Bee Boom, garantujem zadovoljstvo. ;)
Do you like earrings? Browse trough Bug Bee Boom, I guarantee you'll love it! ;)

Thanks for reading,

Hvala na čitanju,



  1. Earings are beautiful, but not as beautiful like you are. They look great on you, and they suit you.
    Great post, and you as always, beautiful!

  2. mindjuse su prelepe!

    1. Slažem se. Ne skidam ih u poslednje vrijeme :D

  3. These look so beautiful on you! They exude vintage glamour and are so sparkly and opulent! Following you on GFC :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)
