
Wet'n'Wild: Comfort Zone

wet n wild eyeshadow palete

Ooooooooodavno nisam tipkala o dekorativi tipa sjenki za oči, ruževa i tog šarenila. Da budem iskrena, odavno si ništa nisam ni kupila. Nekako sam se baš fokusirala na njegu kože pa sam prošla kroz spisak svih tih kremica i seruma koji su mi bili potrebni i koje sam htjela testirati. Doduše, taj spisak i dalje raste, pa onoliko kvačica koliko stavim, toliko stvarčica dopišem. Naravno, ne pretjerujem i stvarno pratim šta stavljam na kožu, ali vjerujem da ću samo tako naći nešto što je idealno za moju kožu koja je sve zdravija i zdravija.

No, da se vratimo na današnju temu...

It has been a loooooong time since I wrote about the decorative makeup, eyeshadow palletes, lipsticks and all that colorful thingies we all love. To be honest, I have not bought anything for a long time. Somehow I was focused on skin care and I went through the list of all these creams and serums that I needed and which I wanted to test. However, this list continues to grow, so the number of checks I put on list I add so much more. Of course, I do not exaggerate and I am really careful what I put on the skin, but I believe that I will just find something that is ideal for my skin that is getting healthier and healthier.

But let's go back to today's topic ...

wet n wild eyeshadow palete

Sa Wet'n'Wild proizvodima sam imala samo nekoliko susreta i već sam vam tipkala o ajlajneru sa kojim nisam bila pretjerano zadovoljna, a kako je u svemu potreban balans, čitati ćete o paleti koju sam kupila ko-zna-kad i koštala je ko-zna-koliko. I još joj nisam "uzela dušu".

U paletici je osam shimmer sjenki koje su u principu ponuđene kao ideja za neki glamurozniji izgled i smokey eye efekat. Mada ih ja do sada nisam nijednom koristila tako - prosto jer nisam talentovana da dobro blendam tamne sjene.
Sjenke su fino pigmentovane i postojane, ali se prilikom nanošenja dosta truse. Što je nekako sušta suprotnost činjenici da se baš i ne troše brzo.

With Wet'n'Wild products I only had a few encounters and I already wrote about an eyeliner with which I was not overly pleased, and as everything needs a balance, you will read about the palette I bought and who-knows-when and it costs who-knows-how-much. And I still did not "take its soul".

In the pallete there are eight shimmer shadows that are generally offered as an idea for some glamorous look and smokey eye effect. Although I have never used them so far - simply because I'm not talented to blend dark shadows well.
Eyeshadows are finely pigmented and stable, but they are quite crushing during application. Which is somehow contradictory to the fact that it does not really spill quickly.

Od osam sjenki 3 su svjetlije nijanse koje u principu transformišu bilo koju boju koju koristim ispod. A kada se nanesu samo na podlogu stvaraju blagi sjaj na kapcima i oči izgledaju svježe.
Mislim da nije neobična činjenica da je prva nijansa kojoj sam vidjela dno ta ' rose gold ' nijansa koja presavršeno izgleda na kapcima, i na jagodicama kao hajlajter.

Tamnije nijanse koristim rijetko jer najiskrenije - ne znam kako da ih nanesem a da to ne bude "previše", pa izbjegavam pretjerivanje i smokey eye.
U svakoj paleti su mi tamne nijanse skoro pa netaknute.

Of the eight eyeshadows 3 are brighter shades that transform any color I use below. And when applied without base eyeshadow, they create a mild glow on the eyelids and the eyes look fresh.
I do not think it's an unusual fact that the first shade I almost completely used is the rose gold shade that looks amazing on the eyelids and on the cheeks as a highlighter.
I use darker shades rarely because I honestly do not know how to apply them without it being "too much", so I avoid exaggerating and smokey eye.
In every palette, I have dark shades almost intact.

Ova paletica mi je favorit jer imam mogućnost da za kratko vrijeme kreiram neki super look sa dvije shimmer nijanse. Fino se blendaju, pa čak i one tamnije nijanse koje ja ne znam blendati.
Volim što imam ovu paleticu u kolekciji jer mi olakšava kreiranje jednostavnog makeup look-a a da to izgleda profinjeno i sexy.
This palette is my favorite, because I have the ability to create some great looks with a pair of shimmer shades in a short time. They easily blend, and even those darker shades that I do not know how to blend.
I love having this palette in the collection because it makes it easy to create a simple makeup look, and it looks so sophisticated and sexy.

Pišite mi, da li ste probale neke od Wet'n'wild paletica i kakav je vaš utisak?
Tell me, have you tried any of Wet'n'wild eyeshadows and do you like them? 

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