
Zaful: Vacation mode

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper

Imam nekoliko kombinezona i definitivno mi to nije dosta. Stvarno ih volim i udobni su, pa obavezno kupim barem jedan mjesečno. Nedavno mi je stigao kombinezon sa Zaful-a i moram priznati da sam oduševljena njime.
Materijal je divan, lagan i udoban. Prosto ga ne osjetim. Jedina stvar o kojoj moram voditi računa je gornji dio ispod kojeg je najprikladnije obući top jer će se grudnjak previše vidjeti a ja se tako ne osjećam baš najugodnije.

Naravno, napravila sam more fotografija, ali ih neću sve objaviti obzirom da sam već na Instagramu objavila dosta.
Sve što vas zanima o ovom kombinezonu, tipa cijena, dimenzije, materijal, možete vidjeti ako kliknete ovdje - Zaful Romper. (Kliknite, pomoći ćete mi.)

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper

I allready have a few rompers and definitely that is not enough. I really love them and they are comfortable and I buy at least one in a month. Recently I got this romper from Zaful and I have to admit it is amazing.
The material is beautiful, light and comfortable. I do not feel it on my skin at all. The only thing I have to worry about is the upper part below which it's best to wear the top because the bra will be too visible and I do not feel so comfortable.
Of course, I made a lot of photos, but I will not publish them all because I already posted a lot on Instagram.
Everything that interests you about this combination, type of price, dimensions, material, you can see if you click here - Zaful Romper. (Click, you will help me.)

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper

Nadam se da vam se sviđa kombinezon i da vam se sviđaju fotografije. Imam ih još, naravno, al' ove su mi nekako najdraže.
Pratite me na Instagramu, ako me već ne pratite, tu sam aktivna sa novitetima i fotografijama. A možemo se i družiti!
Hvala na čitanju i vašem vremenu.

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper

I hope you like this romper and that you like photos. I still have some of them, of course, but these are somehow my favorites.
Follow me on Instagram, if you do not follow me allready, I'm active with new things I buy and photos. And we can socialize!
Thanks for reading and thanks for your time.

Zaful Rolled Up Hem Cross Front Romper



  1. great pics! I have several clothes from Zaful, and i have been wearing rompers all summer! Nice blog!


  2. Wow, you look so relaxed, hope you have a great vacation!

  3. Nnnniiiccceeeeee Mia! So refreshing, a sight.
