
Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'

Bez maskare si izgledam kao panda. A bez dobre maskare izgledam kao našminkana onako napola. Izbirljiva sam po tom pitanju, pa mi je često problem mijenjati maskaru koju volim, a ponekad trebam testirati pokoju. Ljubitelj sam maskara koje čine da oči izgledaju veće i ravnomjerno definišu trepavice. Bježim od onih što od trepavica prave paukove nožice i sve ostale neprirodne prizore.
Kažem, izbirljiva sam. 

I pretty much look like a panda without mascara on. I am really picky when it comes to mascara, so when I need to test different kind of mascaras there is a bit of problem.
I'm a lover of mascara that makes the eyes look bigger and one that makes my lashes look natural yet glam.
I'm avoiding those that make my eyelashes look like spider's feet and all the other unnatural scenes.
As I said, I am very picky. 

Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'

Moja historija sa maskarama je poprilično štura. U poslednje 4 godine sam doslovice koristila samo 4 maskare. I za sada vjerujem da ću stati na ovima. Mada još jedna će uskoro biti u mojoj kolekciji, naravno, iz Avon Mark linije. A sada čitajte o Style i False Lash maskarama. Koje stvarno volim. 

My history with mascaras is quite short. In the last 4 years I used only four different mascaras. And for now I believe that I will stop here. Although another one will soon be in my collection, of course, from the Avon Mark line. Now read about Style and False Lash mascara. And these I really love.

Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'

Big & Style

Ovu maskaru nanesem kada želim da istaknem trepavice i oči. Onako kada mi baš treba neki glamurozni izgled i kada uspijem da kreiram dobru kombinaciju sjenki za oči. Četkica mi se dopada jer fino razdvoji skoro svaku dlačicu i izdužu trepavice tako da izgledaju skoro kao pa umjetne. Moje već guste trepavice dodatno "poboljša" i oduševi me efektom koji stvara. 
U pakovanju je 10ml crne maskare. Kao što možete vidjeti na fotkama, izgleda kao i prethodna Mark maskara o kojoj sam tipkala (Link će biti na dnu posta), pakovanje je plave boje i od čvrste je plastike pa se neće desiti da se ošteti. Na pakovanju je logo bijele boje, i meni se već nakon par korištenja potpuno obrisao. 
Jedina sitna mana koju ima, iz nekog razloga, kada je nanesem i slučajno ode malo dublje u oko, oči mi počnu suziti jer me "ujede". Brzo to prođe, ali bih vam savjetovala da pazite pri nanošenju koliko god možete.

I apply this mascara when I want to highlight my eyelashes and eyes and when I need some glamorous look and when I can create a good combination of eye shadows. I like this mascara brush because it finely separates almost every eyelash and extends the eyelashes so they look almost as artificial. My already thick lashes additionally "improve" and delight me with the effect it creates.
In the package is 10ml of black mascara. As you can see in the photos, it looks like the previous Avon Mark of the mascara I typed about (the link will be at the bottom of the post), the package is blue and it is made of solid plastic so it will not happen to be damaged. On the package, the logo is white, and it has been completely wiped out after a few uses.
The only small flaw that this mascara has, for some reason, when I apply it and accidentally go a little deeper into the eye, my eyes begin to get tearfull because it "bites me". It quickly passes, but I would advise you to take care  when you apply it.

Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'

Koristim je duže od 3 mjeseca i još uvijek je skoro pa nova. Nije se osušila i nakon par sati ne spadne na pola lica kao što je bio slučaj sa pojedinim maskarama.
Meni je kod maskare veoma bitno da ne dođe do ljepljivih situacija gdje mi se trepavice nakon što par puta trepnem "zabetoniraju" jedna za drugu. Nakon nanošenja ne treba mnogo da se osuši, i u većini slučajeva uopšte nije potrebno da se nanosi više slojeva. Dva su sasvim dovoljna da istaknete oči, ako su vam trepavice normalne. Kod mene je to pomalo ekstremna situacija pa je meni uglavnom jedan sloj dovoljan.
Nijednom se nije dogodilo da mi se maskara razmazala, pa čak i pri onim najvećim vrućinama. Da budem iskrena, teško ju je skinuti običnom micelarnom, mada ne piše da je vodootporna. To mi se iskreno dopada jer sam onda sigurna da će dugo vremena stajati kako treba.

I've been using this mascara for more than 3 months and it's still almost new. It did not dry up and it does not get all around my eyes after a few hours.
It is very important for me that the mascara doesn't make sticky situations on my eyelashes, after I blink for a couple of times.  After application it does not need much to dry, and in most cases it is not necessary to apply multiple layers. Two layers are quite enough to highlight your eyes, if your eyelashes are normal. This is a bit of an extreme situation for me, so I usually need one layer.
It did not happen to me that the mascara smeared around my eyes, even at the highest heat outside. To be honest, it is difficult to get rid of it with a plain micellar makeup remover, although it does not say it is waterproof. I sincerely like that because I'm sure that it will stay in place as much as I need it.

Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'
Big & Style - jedan sloj maskare

Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'

Big & False Lash

Potpuno isti dizajn, samo druga boja i naziv. Volim naglasiti da je ova kolekcija baš onako stylish. Stvarno nema mnogo potrebe da vam pišem o kvaliteti ove maskare jer je potpuno ista kao i prethodna o kojoj vam otipkah jedan pozamašan roman.
Pakovanje je ljubičasto, slova se još uvijek nisu potpuno skinula, a onaj klik pri zatvaranju mi osigurava da neće biti havarije po neseseru.
Naziv me intrigira jer je potpuno kontradiktoran efektu koji ja postižem nanošenjem ove maskare. Što naravno ne znači da mi se ne dopada...
Četkica je "jajasta" i dlačice su nekako mekše u odnosu na Big & Style.
Stvarno mi se dopada, ali mi trepavice izgledaju lijepo i potpuno prirodno kada nanesem ovu maskaru, bez tog "False lash" efekta koji recimo imam sa Big & Style. Fino ih razdvoji i blago poveća vizualni izgled očiju. Drugi sloj maskare ih još dodatno potamni pa mi sa tamnijom sjenkom uopšte nije potreban eyeliner. Kao što sam i gore navela, ova maskara se ne razmazuje niti pravi cirkus na trepavicama. Idealna je za "brzo" šminkanje jer s njom ne možete pretjerati i pogriješiti.
Big & False lash ne "ujeda" za oči, testirala sam, slučajno doduše, kad sam se dlačicom ubola u oko. Smiješna jedna situacija. 

Completely the same design, only the different color and name. I like to point out that this collection is really stylish. There really is not much need to write about the quality of this mascara, because it is exactly the same as the previous one about which I wrote a big novel.
The package is purple, the letters have not yet been completely removed, and that click on closing ensures that there will be no bad situations in my makeup bag.
The name intrigues me because it is completely contradictory to the effect I achieve by applying this mascara. Which of course does not mean that I do not like it...
The brush is egg shaped and the bristles are somehow softer compared to Big & Style.
I really like it, but my eyelashes look nice and completely natural when I apply this mascara, without that "False lash" effect I actually have with Big & Style mascara. It separates them and gently increases the visual appearance of the eyes. The second layer of mascara darkens them so I do not need an eyeliner at all with darker eyeshadow. As I mentioned above, this mascara does not smear. It is ideal for "fast" makeup, because with it you can not overdo it and make it wrong.
Big & False lash does not make "bite" my eyes so I start crying, trust me I tested it, incidentally, though, when I put brush in the eye. Really funny situation.

Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'

Avon Mark: 'Big & False Lash' and 'Big & Style'
Big & False Lash - jedan sloj maskare

Ja uglavnom tipkam o favoritima i stvarčicama u kojima uživam. One koje mi se ne dopadaju vrlo često budu proslijeđene kao poklon nekome bliskom ili završe u kutijici za giveaway, tako da vjerujem da će nekoga drugog usrećiti bez obzira da li se meni dopadaju.
Nažalost, ove maskare nisam htjela proslijediti jer ih koristim svakodnevno, ponekad i kombinujem i čine da se osjećam funky kad se pogledam u ogledalo. 
Nadam se da ste nakon ovog posta dobile potrebu da si poklonite jednu od ovih maskara, ili obje, svejedno, jer sam potpuno iskrena kada kažem da ih volim i da su stvarno dobre. 

Hvala na čitanju, na pažnji i na vašem vremenu. 

I mostly point to the favorites and the things I enjoy. Those I do not like are often given as gifts to someone close or they end up in a gift box, so I believe they will make somebody happy, whether I like it or not.
Unfortunately, I did not want to pass these mascaras because I use them everyday, sometimes I combine them and they make me feel funky when I look into the mirror.
I hope that after this post you got the urge to buy yourself one of these mascaras, or both, anyway, because I'm totally honest when I say I love them and they are really good.

Thank you for reading, for your attention and for your time.


Blog post koji sam pomenula gore: Avon Mark Big & Style volume maskara.
Blog post I mentioned earlier: Avon Mark Big & Style volume mascara.

Purple Spark by Mia Redžvelja

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