
Fit Detox Tea - Part I

This post is dedicated to brand from far Australia and their friendly PR Anne. When I started this blog I was not thinking about collaborations, or gifts, or free products. My main goal was to share my thoughts, to be creative and make some friends. And I did. 
One of those friends motivated me to activate and contact brands which I find interesting and good so I contacted them. Only answer I got by now was from Anne (Body Blendz). We talked via E-mail and she decided to send me Fit Detox Tea and Body Blendz scrub so I can try them and write my experience. 
First package I got was Detox Tea so I'm going to start working on this. My plan is to make two posts about this product. First one will be just presenting basic information to you, and second one will be my experience after some time using it.  
So, lets start...

Ovaj post je posvećen brendu iz daleke Australije i njihovom ljubaznom PR-u Anne. Kada sam započela blog uopšte mi nisu padale na pamet ni suradnje, ni pokloni ni besplatni proizvodi, jer smatram da ovaj hobi koliko god zavisio od toga, nije samo o tome. Moj glavni cilj je bio da pokažem svoju kreativnost, volju, ideju i da upoznam ljude sa sličnim stavovima. I tako je bilo. 
Razgovarajući sa jednom od blogerica  dobila sam podsticaj da se javim brendovima koji su mi privlačni i to sam uradila. Od dvadesetak poslanih mailova, što Bosanskohercegovačkim što stranim brendovima, dobila sam samo jedan odgovor, od Anne iz Body Blendz-a. Razgovarale smo putem E-maila i ona mi je poslala Fit Detox Tea i Body Blendz piling za tijelo koje bih ja trebala isprobati i napisati recenziju. 
Prvo mi je došao ovaj čaj pa ću ja odmah da počnem sa svojim planom. Uglavnom, za oba proizvoda ću napisati po dva posta. U prvom ću predstaviti proizvod i dati vam neke osnovne informacije o njemu, a u drugom ću da vam približim svoje iskustvo i iznesem mišljenje, nakon što proizvod testiram neko vrijeme. Taj proces pratite na mom Instagramu - @miss.r.k i na Facebook stranici - Šnjufi's daily routine.
Pa, da počnem...

About Fit Detox Tea

100% Australian owned and made product. 
All FitDetoxTea blends are 100% natural, preservative, caffeine, dairy, gluten and additive free. 
Blends contain no harmful laxatives.

This particular tea is one which you drink before bedtime and when you buy it, it comes in combination with "Morning detox" package which you drink in the morning, probably before breakfast. When you order them online, you also get free FitDetoxTea eating program which I think is really healthy and tasteful.

100% Australijski proizvod 
Sve Fit Detox Tea mješavine su prirodne. Ne sadrže konzervans, kofein, gluten i ostale aditive. 
Ne sadrže štetne laksative.

Mješavina koju sam ja dobila se pije prije spavanja, a kada je naručujete dolazi u pakovanju sa mješavinom koja se pije ujutro, vjerovatno prije doručka. Uz naudžbu se besplatno dobija i program prehrane koji je vrlo zdrav i ukusan.

"Benefits of FitDetoxTea -
  • Suppresses Appetite
  • Speeds Up Metabolism
  • Improves Skin Health
  • Increases Energy
  • Reduces Bloating
  • Clears Skin "
Prednosti korištenja FitDetoxTea :

Umanjuje apetit
Ubrzava metabolizam
Poboljšava zdravlje kože
Povećava energiju
Smanjuje nadutost
Pročišćava kožu 

Znam da ovo zvuči kao tipična apotekarska reklama za neke super skupe tablete koje čine čuda, ali kad znate da je nešto prirodno, onda ima logike. Barem meni. 

Why I really like this?

It is completely natural, so I don't have to think will it be harmful for my body. It's also tasty, I enjoy drinking it. And for person who hates all kinds of tea, that's pretty much weird, so yeeey! for the taste! 
It also fits perfectly in my eating routine since I have few kilograms more then I should have. 
So yeah, it's a tea, it's natural and helpful. For these few days that I've been using it, I also see some slight changes on my problematic face skin. That's making me happy! But I will talk about it more after some time passes. 

Zašto mi se sviđa ?

Prirodno je, pa nemam potrebu sjediti 15ak dana razmišljajući koju količinu hemije unosim u organizam i kako će se to manifestovati. 
Ukusno je i zaista uživam dok pijem. I za osobu koja mrzi čajeve, to je čudno, tako da je okus pun pogodak. 
Također se uklapa u moj plan ishrane pošto imam malo više kilograma kojih se planiram riješiti prije ljeta. 
Dakle, čaj. apsolutno prirodan i koristan. Nakon 2-3 dana korištenja, moram reći da primijetim promjene na mom problematičnom licu. I to me čini sretnom. Ali o tome ću kasnije...


Put 1 teaspoon (2 grams) in a tea strainer and then into a cup of boiled water. Wait for 3-5 minutes, remove strainer and enjoy! 

It's reeeeeeeeeaaaally tasty!


Staviti jednu kašičicu mješavine u cijediljku i u vrelu prokuhalu vodu. Izvaditi nakon 5 minuta. I onda uživanje.

Zaista je preeeeukusan!

Since this is 28day cleanse, I guess that 80 grams of product is just enough for that. I will make a pause every week so I will drink it 6 days a week, because that's my routine. 
There's also 14day cleanse packs, so you can decide what's best for you and what you need.

Ovo je 28o-dnevni program pa je pakovanje od 80 grama sasvim dovoljno za to. Ja planiram praviti pauze sedmično jer je to moja neka rutina, pa ću piti 6 dana u sedmici. 
Na sajtu također možete naručiti pakovanje za 14 dana tako da imate izbor i mogućnost da vidite šta je najbolje za vas. 

If you are interested in this product you can order it :
Ako ste zainteresovani da naručite: 
Instagram  - @fitdetoxteatox  

This is Part I blog post, Part 2 will be up when I use product enough to make a good and honest review. 

Ovo je prvi dio, drugi dio ću objaviti kada budem smatrala da sam dovoljno koristila proizvod da bih napisala iskrenu i realnu recenziju.

Hvala na čitanju...

Thanks for reading.


*This product is just sample sent to me. / Proizvod je poslan kao primjerak. 
*I do not charge fee for these reviews.  / Ne naplaćujem  naknadu za recenzije.


  1. Nice Inspirations

    FOLLOW my Blog!!! Maybe we can follow each other!!!

    1. Thanks for visiting.

      Follow me on Google Friend Connect. You have button down below. ˇˇ :D

  2. I don;t really like tea but I have heard a lot of good things for this one. And you seem to be quite happy with it! Maybe it deserves a try!

    1. I promise you it does. Tomorrow I am posting about progress I made by drinking it and how it helped.

      Thanks for visiting!

  3. Sounds brilliant! Might need to get my hands on this somehow..

    1. There's site when you can order it online. It is on the bottom of the page.

      Thanks for visiting!

  4. Fit Detox Tea sounds really good and very cleansing. I liked teas especially detoxing ones but must admit I don't drink them often enough.You have inspired me to start detoxing with natural teas again. x

    1. I am glad I helped. Enjoy!

      Thanks for visiting!

  5. I have always wanted to do a detox and I like that this product is natural. Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. I am glad I helped!

      Thanks for visiting!

  6. The unique thing about tea is that you can immediately say if it`s good or bad for you- it`s taste, smell, and that feeling in your stomach. I`ll have to try this one for sure.

    1. I agree. What I loved immediately was peppermint smell. TRy it, you will love it!

      Thanks for visiting!

  7. I am all for natural products! I drink tea during winter, but I haven't tried a fit detox tea before. It sounds interesting, I can't wait to read your next post, about the results. I have a few extra kilograms myself, so if it's helpful, I may try it. Thank you!

    1. It is awesome. Part Two is up! Read it if you are interested!

      Thank you for visiting!

  8. There are so many detox teas/drinks available now in the market. Some of them, I am not even sure if they really are working. But yeah, anything that is natural and organic must be good. Just make sure you read feedbacks first from those brands before you try them. Looking forward to see some feedbacks about this detox tea.

