
Schwarzkopf got2b: Tame it softly Lightweight Oil Mist (#Oh my nude!)

Stvarčica o kojoj danas pišem se može nazvati 'cherry on the top of the cake' ili 'šlag dolazi na kraju'. Ja je koristim kad sam tip-top, a i kad nisam. Nekako se uklapa u svaki momenat kada želimo da nam kosa izgleda prirodno i lijepo.

Ovu, kako je nazvana, uljnu maglicu sam prošle godine dobila u nagradnom paketiću od DM-a i moram reći da je pored drugih proizvoda koje sam dobila nekako najsimpatičnija. Ne znam da li je do pakovanja ili do mirisa.
Dakle, u pitanju je aluminijska bočica sa 100ml proizvoda. Kao što naziv sam kaže 'Oh my nude!' - boja bočice je nešto između rose gold i nude nijanse. Bočica je praktična te se bez problema može smjestiti u torbicu u slučaju da imate potrebu da kosu osvježite ako ste van kuće u toku dana.

Prosto obožavam miris ovog slatkog čuda. Mene podsjeća na baby puder pa mi je vrlo ugodno kada se miris zadrži duže. Mada ni to ne bude predugo što je sasvim okej.

The thingy that I am writing about today can be called 'cherry on the top of the cake'. I use it when I feel funky, and when I'm not. Somehow it fits in every moment when we want our hair look natural and beautiful.

This, as it was named, oil mist I got last year in the DM's prize package and I have to say that besides other products it is  somehow the most interesting. I do not know if it's up to the packaging or smell.

So, this is an aluminum bottle with 100ml of product. As the name says, 'Oh my nude!' - The color of the bottle is something between rose gold and nude shades. The bottle is practical and can be easily placed in a purse in case you need to refresh your hair if you're out of the house during the day.

I love the scent of this sweet miracle. It reminds me of baby powder and it is very pleasant for me if the scent keeps longer.

Primijetila sam razliku kada se nanosi na tek opranu kosu i recimo dan-dva nakon toga. Kada je kosa čista ovaj sprej poboljša sjaj i mekoću, a kada nanesem drugi dan nakon pranja, moju već premasnu kosu stvarno osvježi i da joj "život".
(pranje kose mi je obavezno svaki treći dan, da se razumijemo, jer ćešće ne smijem prati zbog tjemena)

Na bočici piše da češljanje nije preporučljivo odmah nakon nanošenja jer se može desiti da ostane masan i ljepljiv trag, ali je okej počešljati se nakon nekih 15 minuta jer do tada kosa već upije naneseno.

Da budem iskrena ja nisam vidjela neke "dugoročne" promjene na kosi zbog ovog proizvoda, što ne znači da nekome od vas neće biti korisan na tom parametru. Ali moram naglasiti da je spas u momentu kada je kosi i mom izgledu potrebno brzo osvježenje! 

I noticed the difference when applied to just washed hair and let's say day after. When hair is clean and fresh this spray enhances the glow and softness, and when I apply the other day after washing, my already tattered hair is really refreshed and it gives her "life".
(hair washing is obligatory every third day for, just so you know, because I can not peel it because of my skin and hair)

On the bottle it is said that combing is not recommended immediately after application because it may happen that a greasy and sticky trace may occur, but it is okay to comb it after 15 minutes, after it gets absorbed.

To be honest I have not seen some "long-term" hair changes for this product, which does not mean that it will not be useful for you on that parameter. But I have to point out that it's awesome at a moment when my hair and I need a quick refreshment!

Recite mi, koje Schwarzkopf proizvode vi volite koristiti i koje mi možete preporučiti?
Tell me what Schwarzkopf products you like to use and which you can recommend to me?

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